Category: WVD Weekly Newsletter

WVD, WVD Weekly Newsletter

WVD Weekly blogpost 5th April–12th April

Hello and welcome to the 2nd Windows Virtual Desktop weekly blog post.  In this post we will highlight anything that’s happened in the past 7 Days in the world of Windows Virtual Desktop! (WVD). I had very good feedback from the first one which you can view here –  It’s been another pretty busy …

WVD, WVD Weekly Newsletter

WVD Weekly newsletter 30th March–5th April 2020

Hello and welcome to the very first Windows Virtual Desktop (WVD) weekly blog post!!  I will be publishing a blog post every Sunday (well that’s the plan!!) . It will contain a summary of the WVD news, announcements and activities during the week. I will be summarising updates from Microsoft, WVD community tweets and also …