Category: Windows Server 2008

Windows Server 2008

Creating Exchange 2007 Storage Groups and Mailbox Database’s using Powershell

Hello, You can use the Exchange Powershell Managment console to create storage groups and databases. To do this you would use the following commands: [PS] C:\Windows\System32>new-storagegroup "Second Storage Group" -server EXCHANGE This will result in the output below telling us that this has been successfully created. Name                      Server            Replicated        Recovery —-                      ——            ———-        ——– Second …

Windows Server 2008

Free Exchange 2010 Training

Head over to here for 2 hours of completely free Exchange 2010 training! Collection 6899: Exploring Features of Exchange Server 2010 Overview This two-hour collection provides an overview of the new features in Exchange Server 2010. The clinics within this collection cover: New features in Exchange Server 2010 Management tools used in Exchange Server …

Active Directory, Windows Server 2008

How do I find out which AD Schema version i am running?

You can do this by using Joe Richards excellent AD Find tool which you down download from C:\>adfind -schema -s base objectversion AdFind V01.40.00cpp Joe Richards ( February 2009 Using server: 2008R2DC1.testlab.local:389 Directory: Windows Server 2008 R2 Base DN: CN=Schema,CN=Configuration,DC=testlab,DC=local dn:CN=Schema,CN=Configuration,DC=testlab,DC=local >objectVersion: 47 1 Objects returned From this i can tell I am running …

Windows Server 2008

Group Policy Settings References for Windows and Windows Server

You can download the Group Policy Settings Reference documents here: Overview Using column filters, you can filter the information in these spreadsheets by operating system, component, or computer or user configuration. You can also search for information by using text or keywords. These spreadsheets include the following categories of security policy settings: Account Policies …

Windows Server 2008

Create Multiple ADAM Users

Check out this post on technet on how to create 100,000 users in an ADAM instance easily via a script. Could come in useful some time 🙂 ‘************************************************** ‘ This script adds i = n users to a specified OU or CN.  ‘  Alter as needed. ‘************************************************** ‘ If the application NC  DN is …