Hey folks. Just a quick post around an into an issue today whilst having a play with Azure Automation. One of the capabilities of Azure Automation is the ability to configure the Hybrid Runbook Worker feature. This allows you to configure Azure Automation with your on premise infrastructure which is pretty cool. One of the …
Category: Powershell
Learn PowerShell in a month of Lunches–Chapter 3 answers
1 Can you find any cmdlets capable of converting other cmdlets’ output into HTML? ConvertTo-Html 2 Are there any cmdlets that can redirect output into a file, or to a printer? Out-File & Out-Printer 3 How many cmdlets are available for working with processes? Get-Process Cmdlet Gets the processes that are running on the local …
PowerShell in a month of Lunches
One of the things on my to do list is to learn PowerShell to a decent enough level where i am comfortable with it to perform my day to day duties. Me and scripting have never really got on very well even though i am aware of its usefulness and benefits. Throughout the years i …
Get-Hotfix–Retrieve hotfix information using Powershell
Recently I wanted to verify that I had a certain hotfix installed on my server. I thought i could see if there was a nice and easy way in Powershell to do this and there was. The cmdlet get-hotfix will retrieve the information you need. PS C:\Users\Administrator> Get-HotFix Source Description HotFixID InstalledBy InstalledOn —— ———– …
Test user ‘extest_b648a1a700f64’ isn’t accessible when running test-owaconnectivity
I was recently playing about in Exchange 2010 in preparation for my exam in a few days time and I noticed i was getting an error when i ran the test-owaconnectivity commandlet. I error message i was recieving was: WARNING: Test user ‘extest_b648a1a700f64’ isn’t accessible, so this cmdlet won’t be able to test Client Access …
Powershell Survival Guide
There is a really nice article on the TechNet Wiki which has a nice list of Powershell URL’s to help you learn and master powershell You can view it here: http://social.technet.microsoft.com/wiki/contents/articles/windows-powershell-survival-guide.aspx
Enter Exchange 2007 Product Key using powershell
Just a quick post on how to enter the product key using the exchange management shell: set-exchangeserver -Identity servername -ProductKey XXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXX-XXXXX
End a process in powershell
I recently encountered a problem where i wanted to end multiple processes that were running. In my quest to learn powershell I had a look to see if could do it via this method. It was a simple one line cmdlet: stop-process -name iexplore Simples! NAME Stop-Process SYNOPSIS Stops one or more running …
Retrieve a list of all powershell cmdlets
If you want a list of all powershell cmdlets run this command. I have exported it to a text file 🙂 Get-Command | Format-List
Managing Exchange Administrators with Powershell
To view Exchange Administrators with powershell we can use the get-exchangeadministrator commandlet. This will tell me the current exchange administrator groups in the domain. Example below is: [PS] C:\Windows\system32>get-exchangeadministrator | format-list Identity : EXCHANGELAB.LOCAL/Users/Administrator Scope : Organization wide Role : OrgAdmin Identity : EXCHANGELAB.LOCAL/Microsoft Exchange Security Groups/Exchange Organi zation Administrators Scope : Organization wide …