
Managing Exchange Administrators with Powershell

To view Exchange Administrators with powershell we can use the get-exchangeadministrator commandlet. This will tell me the current exchange administrator groups in the domain. Example below is:

[PS] C:\Windows\system32>get-exchangeadministrator | format-list

Identity : EXCHANGELAB.LOCAL/Users/Administrator
Scope    : Organization wide
Role     : OrgAdmin

Identity : EXCHANGELAB.LOCAL/Microsoft Exchange Security Groups/Exchange Organi
           zation Administrators
Scope    : Organization wide
Role     : RecipientAdmin

Identity : EXCHANGELAB.LOCAL/Microsoft Exchange Security Groups/Exchange Public
            Folder Administrators
Scope    : Organization wide
Role     : ViewOnlyAdmin

Identity : EXCHANGELAB.LOCAL/Microsoft Exchange Security Groups/Exchange Recipi
           ent Administrators
Scope    : Organization wide
Role     : ViewOnlyAdmin

Identity : EXCHANGELAB.LOCAL/Microsoft Exchange Security Groups/Exchange Organi
           zation Administrators
Scope    : Organization wide
Role     : PublicFolderAdmin

To add a user to an adminsitrator role we would use the add-exchangeadministrator cmdlet. The syntax for this is:

Add-ExchangeAdministrator –Role Role –Identity identity Domain\User.

So if we wanted to add a user called JoseH to the Exchange Organisation Administrators Group we would use the following syntax:

[PS] C:\Windows\system32>Add-ExchangeAdministrator -Role OrgAdmin -Identity EXCH

Identity                   Scope                     Role
——–                   —–                     —-
EXCHANGELAB.LOCAL/Users/Jo Organization wide         OrgAdmin
se Holloway

And to remove just use the Remove-ExchangeAdministraotr cmdlet with the same synax.

1 Comment

  1. dear sir,
    i am not receiving 20 mb mail from external,what is the steps that i have to configure on edge server and hub/cas/mailbox server


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