Active Directory, Windows Server 2008

How do I find out which AD Schema version i am running?

You can do this by using Joe Richards excellent AD Find tool which you down download from

C:\>adfind -schema -s base objectversion

AdFind V01.40.00cpp Joe Richards ( February 2009

Using server: 2008R2DC1.testlab.local:389
Directory: Windows Server 2008 R2
Base DN: CN=Schema,CN=Configuration,DC=testlab,DC=local

>objectVersion: 47

1 Objects returned

From this i can tell I am running Windows Server 2008 R2 Schema The different Objects are:

Schema Version Release
13 Windows 2000
30 Windows 2003
31 Windows 2003 R2
44 Windows 2008
47 Windows 2008 R2

1 Comment

  1. Hi Guys,

    Thanks for sharing your insightful thoughts and suggestions – very helpful, and appreciated indeed.

    On a related note, thought I’d let you know about a very cool new FREE tool called Gold Finger that we have become addicted to it, especially, finding out where all users have permissions in our Active Directory. (We came across it on

    Gold Finger is an instantly deployable Microsoft endorsed Active Directory reporting tool that offers over 200 security reports (including powerful ACL analysis) for FREE.

    It is developed by a Microsoft partner called Paramount Defenses Inc, and I believe was architected by the author of Microsoft’s delegation whitepaper.

    DOWNLOAD LINK: You can download it from

    We’ve been using it for the past two weeks now and love it! If you need a free way to generate AD security reports, you’ll certainly find it very helpful.

    Best wishes,

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